SHOUTcast Song History
SHOUTcast Server Version 1.9.8/Linux
Status | Song History | Listen | Stream URL | Admin Login

Played @Song Title
02:35:30Art Bell Somewhere in Time - 12-15-1999 - Y2K Open Lines Part 1 of 2Current Song
00:24:35Art Bell Somewhere in Time - 10-27-1999 - Encounters with ETs - Stuart Wilde
23:40:24Art Bell Somewhere in Time - 10-27-1999 - Encounters with ETs - Stuart Wilde
23:39:41u7radio donate
20:44:43Art Bell Somewhere in Time - 07-03-1997 - Art's Parts - Linda Moulton Howe & Budd Hopkins
19:18:04Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell - Montauk Project
19:17:21u7radio donate
16:34:35Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell - Borderland Science Research
16:03:05Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell - Open Lines

Written by Stephen 'Tag Loomis, Tom Pepper and Justin Frankel
Copyright Nullsoft Inc. 1998-2004